The EstablishMint Restaurant Has Grand Opening
Dec 23, 2021 12:00AM ● By Story and Photos by Margaret Snider
New owners Brady and Tammy Sisenglath with Rancho Cordova Chamber President and CEO Diann Rogers at the EstablishMint Grand Opening.
RANCHO CORDOVA, CA (MPG) - What was previously Mints Euro Asian Cuisine is now under the new ownership of Tammy and Brady Sisenglath, who held their Grand Opening recently. The new name is The EstablishMint.
Mints has been an establishment for 22 years at 11088 Olson Dr., Suite A, Rancho Cordova, across the street from the post office. Tammy is related to previous owners Michelle and Daniel Kim but not by blood relation. “I worked here for five years and called them my parents,” Tammy said. “Every time a customer asked they answered, ‘Yes, that’s our daughter.’ We’ve always had that joke and always behaved very much like a family.”
While in the early stages of acquiring the business, Tammy and Brady were in their car, Tammy at the time pregnant with their son Liam, who was born in June of this year. “I woke up from a car nap,” Tammy said, “and I said, ‘I got the name – EstablishMint!’ Brady thought I was talking about the baby’s name and gave me this really long stare, not understanding why I wanted to name our son Establishment.” When Brady finally realized Tammy was talking about the restaurant, he said, “Oh my gosh, that’s so clever!” The restaurant’s name was settled.
Longtime resident of Rancho Cordova Rick Sloan, also chairman of the CRPD Board, has been a regular customer of the restaurant under the previous owners. “I’m excited about being able to continue coming here . . .” Sloan said. “This establishment here has really been the cutting edge of the restaurant experience in Rancho.” Sloan is happy with the menu additions, as well as the continuation of his old favorites. “They’re still going to have Thai food here. They’re going to have Sushi on the menu, they’re going to have Laotian specialties. I love that!”
Tammy’s parents are from Vietnam, and Brady’s from Laos and Thailand. In addition, Tammy said that her husband fell in love with Sushi and has a lot of experience with Japanese cuisine. “We have support from our families. That fits so nicely,” Tammy said. “That’s how we dig into our roots a little bit deeper.”
The ribbon cutting at the Grand Opening brought out many locals who wanted to see the results of the renovation and taste some items from the new menu. Bill Wheelock of Mather had not been to the restaurant before, but on trying samples at the Grand Opening announced, “It’s delicious!” He plans to bring his wife to eat there.