FCUSD Favors Literacy Program, Gunshot Kits and Financials
Dec 20, 2023 04:50PM ● By Sharon PearceFOLSOM/RANCHO CORDOVA, CA (MPG) - The
5½-hour School Board meeting, December 14, 2023, and last one for year, was
chock-a-block with items for consent, plus year-end reports and projections for
next year.
Newly elected officers are President, Tim Hooey, and Vice President, Jennifer Laret. Karen Lofthouse was made representative to the Sacramento Office of Education Reorganization Committee, and Superintendent Dr. Sarah Koligian continues as secretary of the Board. Trustee volunteers for committees were approved. As well, Sandra Garcia was made the new principal of Mitchell Middle School, JoAnne Blaisdell was promoted to Facilities Planner and Brianna Gold, to Expanded Leadership.
Items on the table included appeals by the public including children as young as three to not close Sundahl Montessori school, plus support was voiced for an Indigenous People’s Day, and multiple requests that the firing of Coach Carter not stand.
The extensive list of consent items were approved, except for the contract for the proposed $1.6 million Cordova High School Fencing Project. That the fence would be 8 feet to prevent fence-jumping raised questions and a recommendation students be asked their opinion. Member David Reid told Matt Washburn, Coordinating Director, “We need to be more fiscally constrained….I can’t justify $1.6 million for fencing at one facility.” Vice President Laret voiced issues with break-ins, with equipment not protected by chain link. Washburn will pursue cost reduction with the construction company.
The Summer Literacy Pilot program was approved 3:2, with Members Reid and Hooey voting “No.” Two teachers, six staff and a side coordinator will provide instruction and manage the lauded, unduplicated, program called “Freedom School.” Cost of the 6-8 week program is $245,000. Its purpose is to help diverse learners make up lost learning. One member said, “nothing else is important until all students can read, plus this results in an increased workforce; cost can’t be a barrier.”
It was also reported that the Sacramento Testing Decathlon included 14 students from Folsom, which earned in 32 of 64 spots, 35 individual medals, Folsom swept all medals in Literature and had the highest team score. Feb. 3rd is the date for the superfinals.
The 2023-2024 First Interim Financial Report for the Period Ending October 31, 2023, was approved even as Assistant Superintendent Sean Martin stated the report numbers were changing and to be modified. Martin said financial obligations would be met this year and the next two years out. He provided extensive details on fiscal deficits, supplements and percentages.
Board approved Site Staffing Ratios, Supplemental Funding, and Budget Guidelines; and School Boundary Modifications with Director Washburn detailing what student shifting was under the Legacy policy, saying resident students have first priority, and area new ones, a PUSH priority. Reid requested that students be allowed to remain in their schools until graduation.
Overall, the cell phone lockdown implementation was deemed a success based on surveys. Member Reid asked if they could develop a “Wait til 8th (grade)” policy on cell phones, saying medical studies clearly show benefits, including in brain development by waiting to immerse in this technology.
Student member Matthew Mellijor promoted Stop the Bleed kits for gunshot wounds to be in every classroom, with members Clark and Reid agreeing. Reid stated 60% of gunshot wounded who die, shouldn’t, and wouldn’t if they had a way to stop bleeding.
Condolences were extended to families of three students who passed away last week.
Folsom HS Football team won its 5th State Championship since 2010. Member Clark remarked Dr. Koligian is working with the City of Folsom to raise a parade to honor them.
No student presentations were made, but many were expected in the next meetings reported Dr. Koligian. The next regular meeting of the FCUSD will be January 18, 2024.