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Rancho Cordova Independent

More Than 1,200 Acres Permanently Protected

Aug 27, 2024 01:11PM ● By Sacramento Valley Conservancy News Release

SACRAMENTO VALLEY, CA (MPG) - The Sacramento Valley Conservancy (SVC) is pleased to announce the successful completion and recording of its two newest conservation projects, spanning six separate properties.

On June 6 in Yuba County, 161 acres of critical riparian and floodplain habitat in the Feather River levee setback area, called the Feather River Setback Area Preserve, became permanently protected.

The success of this project is attributed to the partnership between the Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA), Sutter Buttes Regional Land Trust, and the Sacramento Valley Conservancy. This collaboration reflects a decade-long planning and due diligence period, culminating in a monumental conservation achievement.

Then on July 30, another 1,055 acres of vernal pools and open space in Sacramento County between Mather and Sloughhouse were permanently protected. Through five conservation easements, this project is Sacramento Valley Conservancy’s third largest land protection accomplishment (in acreage) since Deer Creek Hills Preserve was protected in 2004. SVC is working to connect these preserves to Deer Creek Hills and other open spaces for wildlife corridors and regional trail networks.

This success resulted from a decade of due diligence and collaboration between the South Sacramento Conservation Agency (SSCA), the developer, the Sacramento Valley Conservancy, and many others.

The protected areas include vernal pools, wetlands, and swales that support threatened, protected and species of concern. The Sacramento Valley Conservancy now manages and monitors over 7,326 acres of vernal pool and upland habitat, known as the Sacramento Prairie Vernal Pool Preserve, which includes 23 properties in the Mather, Rancho Cordova area, and southeast Sacramento County area.